Improve your financial forecasts with data analytics
Keith Bailey, VP of Finance, Galvanize, discusses how the HighBond platform helps him with forecasting, accessing data, and month-end reporting.
Keith Bailey, VP of Finance, Galvanize, discusses how the HighBond platform helps him with forecasting, accessing data, and month-end reporting.
Investigating huge sets of data with analytics can bring competitive advantages.
Thinking of introducing RPA in your organization? We look at 4 critical steps towards a successful implementation.
RPA is commonly used in finance and control processes, but also has applications in the auditing space. Learn more about RPA and where it’s going next.
Automating repetitive tasks with RPA can up your team’s productivity and improve data accuracy. Find out what tasks you should start automating right away.
Technology is a huge part of BCBS 239 compliance. Here are three ways purpose-built risk management software makes it easier to comply with this regulation.
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