Customer support
If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

Ways to contact support
North America: 1-866-704-0581
Europe: 00-800-000-19999
Asia: 800-101-2205
For immediate assistance, use our online chat within the platform.

Severity ratings1
SEVERITY: | Urgent | High | Medium | Low |
Response Time 2 | 2 hours | 4 hours | 8 hours | 12 hours |
Coverage hours
Chat case submission | 24 hours a day, five days a week Sunday 3pm—Friday 5pm PT |
Online case submission 3 | 24x7 |
Galvanize Global Community 4 | 24x7 |
Legal Stuff:
1 Severity level definitions (the determination of actual severity level for any given request is at Galvanize’s sole discretion)
Urgent Severity: Production issue rendering software completely inoperable, error affecting all users, or loss of data.
High Severity: Major functionality impacted or major performance degradation in non-urgent process.
Medium Severity: Partial non-urgent functionality impacted, minor performance degradation, affecting limited users.
Low Severity: General “how to” questions, documentation, or system configuration.
2 Response time means Galvanize will respond to you within the stated time. It does not mean Galvanize will resolve the issue within this time.
3 Online response time will be based on Chat case submission hours (i.e, 24 x 5, 3pm Pacific Time Sunday to 5pm Pacific Time Friday). Online case Submissions may be made 24 x 7, but Galvanize does not respond 24 x 7.
4 Response times do not apply to Support Center.
If you believe you have encountered a security issue, availability or other type of incident on the HighBond platform, please contact us as soon as possible. We investigate all reports and strive to fix confirmed issues promptly.
Version Support Policy: Galvanize and its representatives support the current production version of Galvanize’s cloud-hosted HighBond product. Galvanize and its representatives support the most current major version of Galvanize’s on-premise Software and the immediately prior major version, however Galvanize may vary this policy on providing notice to you.
This policy applies to all language versions of Galvanize software products. To ensure uninterrupted access to Support, customers must renew their subscriptions for HighBond and/or Galvanize’s on-premises software products prior to the end of their current subscription term.
Galvanize does not provide activation keys for (i) unsupported versions of Galvanize’s on-premise products, or (ii) unsupported customers. Galvanize will assist you to upgrade to Galvanize’s current major version of Software, which will include Support in accordance with this Version Support Policy.
Existing support contracts which differ from this policy will be honored until their expiration.